Tuesday 26 January 2016

RaRa and Reddy Visits "Glutton's Paradise" - OTT Cake Shakes @ Cake Spade

Over-The-Top-Milkshakes. An Instagram worthy piece of gluttony that sent the world into a frenzy. News has it that this trend found it's roots in a bakery-cafe (Patissez) in Canberra, Australia. Didn't take too long for the rest of the world to jump of the bandwagon of saccharine bliss. Over at Cake Spade, it seems, have gone one up from the already extravagant OTT Milkshake with their (extremely) Instagrammable Cake Shake. Essentially a hybrid of the OTT Milkshake with an addition of a bust-the-diet slice of homemade cake, each concoction never fail to illicit "Oohhhhs" and "Aaahhhhs" from gawking patrons. Brace yourselves people, we have pictures to drive you into sensory overload!

Green. Go green with envy.  

Thursday 14 January 2016

Reddy's Early Morning Breakfast Adventure - Neptune Dim Sum

Dim Sum or "Dian Xin" is essentially Cantonese in origin - bite sized, handcrafted portions of food served in bamboo steamer baskets, served typically during breakfast or tea time. Dim sum  is to the the Chinese community, what English Afternoon Tea is to the English (and the rest of the world nowadays). In keeping up with the times, dim sum is now readily available almost throughout the day, be it for breakfast,lunch, dinner and even supper in some places. Dim sum is one of Reddy's top fave comfort food, and any place with a good egg tart will definitely be on Reddy's radar. And that definitely makes Neptune Dim Sum at Marine Parade Hawker Center worthy enough a visit anytime.

Hello sunshine..

Thursday 7 January 2016

Reddy's Newfound Comfort Food - Pho 99

Our hot and super duper humid weather has finally taken a cooler turn, a much needed respite indeed! With the turn of the weather, Reddy's appetite has shifted to anything hot and soupy, and the "discovery" of a (not-so-new) Vietnamese joint couldn't come at a better time! Pho 99 is located right across from Amoy Hawker Centre, in an old conservation shophouse with windows painted vividly in hues of red, yellow, green and blue. If you intend to dine here at lunch hour, please be prepared to set aside some waiting time as there can be a line of waiting hungry diners (as with most places with great food :) )

Picture perfect