RaRa and Reddy

I am The Mommy. Spent 4 years as a SAHM (Stay-At-Home-Mom) raising The Kid before I decided to venture out into the big wild world of earning a living. Trials and tribulations many I have seen and am currently raising The Kid as a full-time working mom, wearing many many hats just as many moms the world over - think me as the chef, the dishwasher, the dhobi, the garbage man, the exterminator, the plumber, the electrician, the babysitter, the handyman.. etc.

He is The Kid. He goes to school, makes a mess, gets on The Mommy's nerves, things a kid does. Together, we enjoy good food (sometimes we do this apart when The Mommy is out and about at work), enjoy good fun when something exciting comes to town. We have some "babies" (whom we have christened "Fellow Adventurers") that we go on our adventures together with. We talk about anything and everything worth mentioning, opinions are of our own, we try to stay incognito whilst visiting places to keep our views objective and unbiased. Well, put simply, we just want to share our experiences with you folks out there and hope that you will find us a good read :)

(The Original Cast) Fellow Adventurers from left :
Koala, Whisky (White Tiger), Tiger, Reddy (Red Panda), Elly (Elephant), Chuang (Baby Elly) and RaRa (Lion)

A new Adventurer joins the gang! Meet Harrods! He is soft, cuddly and simply adorable!
Well, not so new, now that he's been with us for a few years.