Wednesday 30 March 2016

Gone Local @ Quan Ji, Amoy

Been to Amoy gazillion times, but never noticed them. Not till my eyes spotted a fellow colleague's takeaway lunch and I went... "Ehh? That looks and smells good!" So off to Amoy again, this time to try out Quan Ji's popular dish of Fried Sliced Fish Soup. This dish, along with the likes of Char Kway Tiao and Chicken Rice, is a staple in our hawker scene. There are a few variations - the ones with poached fish slices, the ones with prawns and fish slices, ones with slices of fish that are deep fried. You can add your choice of starch to the soup as well, be it "thick" or "thin" bee hoon, or just soup and a bowl of white rice on the side. Oh oh, not forgetting the "milk" version and the one without, and also another version that has XO added for that extra "zing"!
That's about all I can ramble off the top of my head about the "evolution" of the humble bowl of fish soup, now enjoy the salivating pictures I have to share with you guys! :)

Thick succulent slices of fish, very fresh and no "fishy" smell. Super sedap! Best eaten with a chilli padi and light soy sauce dip.. *drool*
Each portion at $5.00 a bowl.

Friday 18 March 2016

Heritage Trail - Boat Quay to Singapore National Museum

Am a poor sucker for long walks, especially after a gruelling day at the "Earn-A-Living-Place". It was a beautiful evening, sun's not too harsh and soft blowing wind set the mood for a nice long walk. Started off from the outer fringe of CBD, zigzagged past the massive after-office-hour crowd and finally broke "free" into Boat Quay through Raffles Place underpass. You may notice some "Anookis" on the facade of the National Museum in the picture below, yea, this is a long overdue post from a walking session sometime in 2015 during the Singapore Night Festival period in August. If you are an avid history buff with a keen interest in all things historical, then feel to read on :)
Do let us know if you have some interesting facts you would like to share along with ours! We'll be more than happy to hear from ya!

Soothing shades of pastels, perfect as a backdrop for the Anooki facade show beamed upon our iconic National Museum building.