Tuesday 30 June 2015

Treats With The Lesser Crowd - Pantler

#Rehash from Facebook post#

Being an ardent fan of pastries, someone who appreciates handcrafted morsels of art, Pantler has always caught my eyes everytime I walk by. And yes, it is also packed most times, but just to be kiasu, I headed there yesterday before the lunch crowd sets in and ordered 3 beautiful pieces of pastries - Ruby Tart, Yatsura and Banana Eclair (the taste is reminiscent of Tokyo Banana!), took like a bird-sized bite of each, and requested the staff to tapao the unfinished portions. And.. they willingly obliged, without judging. I believe one of the duo behind Pantler, good looking Matthias Phua (even caught a glimpse of Chef Tomoharu Morita, handsome too!) served me my tapao-ed pastries. "Celebrity" moment.
Will return again to sample more sinful treats, 3 is not enough smile emoticon
Oh, by the way, they have an Online Store WITH delivery.
That, is, a work of art

Monday 29 June 2015

Maiden Post

Lunch With The Crowd (Solo Series) - Paul's @ Takashimaya

The day has come, that we put up our first post on our very own blog page! Yay!

Paul's is a family owned business that grew from it's humble beginnings in rue de la Mackellerie in Croix, near Lille, France. The business flourished when they took over the business of a famous bakery belonging to the Paul family. The name of the bakery, PAUL was kept from the takeover, and the rest, as they say, is history. Paul's today has branches across the globe in 25 countries, where they continue the tradition of producing deliciously freshly baked goodies.

The outlet in Singapore is located at THE place to see and be seen. Food is good, service can be better (sullen faces don't make quite a good impression unfortunately), and the view is great.

Sea Bass with Sauteed Spinach and Cream Sauce
Not too heavy on a hot afternoon