Monday 11 July 2016

Playing Willy Wonka For The Day @ Anjali Chocolat

Chocolate. Now who does not like chocolate? They come in all shapes and sizes and all variations, it  is made into candies, truffles, artisan chocolates, used in baking, in cooking, the list is endless. It goes as far as your imagination take you. Artisan chocolate in our Little Red Dot is a rarity, quite understandably, our hot and humid climate is not exactly ideal to get creative with something as temperamental as chocolate. But with that said, where there is a will there is a way, there is always the option of working in a cool climate controlled room with a/c. And that brings us to Anjali Chocolat, Set up not too long ago, probably sometime in 2014, they are known for their handmade chocolates infused with exotic flavors, how does Lemongrass Coconut Truffles and Star Anise Bonbons sound like? Yeah, sounds good enough :)
Now let's get our hands dirty and make some chocolate!

White Chocolate Lavender Truffles and Mayan Chilli Bonbons for sampling. Bliss.