Monday 11 July 2016

Playing Willy Wonka For The Day @ Anjali Chocolat

Chocolate. Now who does not like chocolate? They come in all shapes and sizes and all variations, it  is made into candies, truffles, artisan chocolates, used in baking, in cooking, the list is endless. It goes as far as your imagination take you. Artisan chocolate in our Little Red Dot is a rarity, quite understandably, our hot and humid climate is not exactly ideal to get creative with something as temperamental as chocolate. But with that said, where there is a will there is a way, there is always the option of working in a cool climate controlled room with a/c. And that brings us to Anjali Chocolat, Set up not too long ago, probably sometime in 2014, they are known for their handmade chocolates infused with exotic flavors, how does Lemongrass Coconut Truffles and Star Anise Bonbons sound like? Yeah, sounds good enough :)
Now let's get our hands dirty and make some chocolate!

White Chocolate Lavender Truffles and Mayan Chilli Bonbons for sampling. Bliss.

This is where the chocolate making workshop take place. Greenery abound, much serenity, seem like a world apart from the hustle and bustle just a few minutes drive away from here.

The classroom space is appropriately name "Temper". Tempering is the process that reestablishes the cocoa butter crystals that are in the real chocolate, basically meaning melting the chocolate at the right temperature to achieve that professional sheen, "snap" and taste and also ensure that your chocolate does not bloom when kept in certain temperature.

Mise en place, all nicely prepped

Anjali, the owner of Anjali Chocolat. She was previously a banker, who have travelled the world with her husband. They eventually settled in sunny Singapore, and she decided that after all the years spent travelling, she was going to indulge in what excites her most - chocolate. Self trained and armed with tonnes of passion and enthusiasm, she set up Anjali Chocolat to share her love of chocolate with us.

Anjali sharing a brief introduction on the origins of chocolate and how it has come to what we know it to be today

Here we have 5 variations of chocolate with varying level of cocoa depths

Dark chocolate, personal favourite

Making of ganache, essentially only 3 items - chocolate couverture, scalded cream and a small knob of butter (just for that extra sheen)

The ganache is chilled in fridge first to stiffen the liquid, piped onto a tray, chilled again to harden, coated with a thin layer of ganache, chilled again, and finally tossed in cocoa powder (or coating of choice) to finish off. Sound easy? No. Oh, and for those with warm hands? You can forget about having a career in chocolate making. Warm hands make rolling the ganache into round balls an almost impossible task, speaking from personal experience here.

Quick toss into a bowl of cocoa powder

Oh ya, we got to sample more chocolates. Yay!
Mayan Chilli Bonbons. Love the slight heat just at the back of the throat when the smooth chocolate melts in the mouth..

Tapau the leftover chocolate from earlier tasting. More yay!

Ta-dah!!!!!!! Took hours to make, but only a few minutes to devour!

Right next to Temper is the boutique where you can purchase pre-made chocolate pieces

Anjali Chocolat is not only good as personalised gifts, corporate gifts, seasonal gifts, they offer workshops for chocolate making (both adults and kids), and they host corporate events and "Chocolate Parties" as well!

73 Loewen Road, #01-15 & 16
Singapore 248843
Tel: +65 6509 6800 
Email :

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