Thursday 4 August 2016

Andsoforth We Went! - The Picnic Edition

Stumbled upon an ad on Facebook, "The Picnic" it said, and indoor some more! There is no menu, no details of location, we are to book ourselves tickets, keep a look out for an "initiation" via SMS, follow instructions to the location of event (with clues provided), arrive at destination, have fun and oh, "keep The Secret between you (us) and us (Andsoforth)". Like OMG, so intriguing! Macam Amazing Race kinda feel! Psyched by the idea of a potential wild goose chase (considering my inability to navigate let alone read maps) and the mysterious makan session, I gamely paid for 2 tickets. And waited, and received, and found, and arrived, and ate, and had so much fun! Here's what went down..

Oh, just a tiny note, The Picnic was one of the many pop-up style events that Andsoforth has organized. The Picnic was sometime in Feb 2016, ya, procrastination took over unfortunately, bah (hence the They are now currently running another themed makan cum theater cum entertainment show entitled "The Spy, The Thug, His Wife, Her Lover". Tickets going for $88 per pop, check out their website for more details ya!

Our picnic basket for the afternoon (picnic basket did not come along, pity!)

Well, we received clues to help us find out way to the picnic grounds. But because we are such professional dawdlers, we ended up taking a cab to Balestier Plaza and tried to follow the rest of the clues there. If we were in Amazing Race, we would have been disqualified at the finishing line. Haha.

We arrived at this warehouse looking building.. hmmmmmmmmm. Uncertainty is looming..

The clue mentioned that we should look out for a "blue light". Like huh? No sign of any blue light, we later found out that yes, there were blue lights, problem was daylight obscured the light from our sight. Haha.

There was a couple ahead of us, really excited to see what lies in wait behind that metal door! In the meantime, let's wefie our feet. 

Hang on. A Garden Elf? Taking our attendance?  Enough suspense already! Let us through!

The minute we stepped in, it's as though we entered a different realm.. Very well thought off, down to the littlest details to ensure that the theme is lived up to. I am crying inside with so much excitement...

Welcome drinks station, t'was tea and hot chocolate for us since we do not drink..

10/10 on the Richter Scale of Creativity! They've everything down pat, picnic blankets, cushions, white puffy clouds aka lighting, vines, grass, a swing, ya, you read it right, a swing too. AND.. EVEN FREE FLOW OF ICE CREAM! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

Berry Blastoff and Licky Horlicks. Specially love the Milo powder, actually I love anything that has Milo powder on it. Hehe.

Ta-dah! Afternoon tea is served! There were 3 menu options (but no details on the contents of the menu though, but do highlight to them if you have any dietary requirements) - lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.

The afternoon's treats done by Two Bakers, yes! They make superb pastries! We visited them once before and were duly impressed by what they have. Click here should you like to read about our previous visit to Two Bakers :)

Why lah so pretty...


From left : Smoked Salmon Tea Sandwich; Wild Blueberry Jam and Homemade Clotted Cream for those delicious scones

Favouritest of the lot - Lemon Yuzu Tart. So zesty and zingy, tastebuds' going on overdrive whilst thinking of it!

There's something magical about 'em swirls..


Coconut Eclair. Had just the right amount of "lemak" from the coconut milk in the filling, very sedap indeed.

Quite an unflattering shot of the otherwise glorious Carrot Cake. Moist as it should be, not too cloyingly sweet. 

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles...!!


There were even fresh flowers!

There was Snap to keep the masses entertained..

And then there was BINGO too!

Story time... 
The ambience of the place was kept interesting with the simulation of different weather conditions, different times of day.

Our first experience with Andsoforth, and it was AMAZING.
Can't wait to be back for more!

Email :
Tel : +65 9129 7845
What they do : Dinner, theater, designed spaces, pop-restaurants, specially crafted menus

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