Sunday 7 August 2016

RaRa And Reddy Goes To Movie In Park

There is just something about the great outdoors. Being outside, amongst the greens, clean fresh air. coupled with beautiful weather, add in some food and drinks, a picnic blanket, some pillows, a movie and a gorgeous sunset... and we've got a winner! Singapore Botanic Gardens was given the honor of being listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site after being inscribed in Germany on 4th July 2015. How exciting is that, to have our very own gem of a park being one the only three Botanic Gardens listed as a heritage site (the other 2 being Kew Gardens in England and Padua Gardens in Italy). Our Botanic Gardens plays host to an array of events and activities all year round, ranging from free concerts, movie screenings, tours, walks.. There is always something for almost everyone. And lucky us, we managed to catch a movie screening during the March holiday this year,  Our very first movie in the park! Yay!

Perfect setting!

Feel happy already...

Awesome movie in an awesome location..

Can you spot something in the picture? Scared the living daylights out of me!

Everyone eagerly and patiently waiting

Our simple picnic for the evening

Our beautiful Strawberry Tart from Cakespade @ $7.90
Pastry shell is butter and crisp, yet soft enough to crumble upon a bite and the pastry cream filling? Oh-so-luscious and smooth! We've been a fan of Cakespade since our gluttonious visit for their infamous Cakeshake! You can read about our visit here 

Someone's so engrossed with Percy Jackson's series

The healthiest looking pasta! Spicy Garlic Prawn Linguine @ $18.00 from Food For Thought (Botanic Gardens outlet)

Munchies to keep us "entertained"

We were blessed with beautiful weather and an enchanting sunset

Movie Time!!!!!

Kids having their own fun after the movie ended. How cute!

Mother Nature was showing off that day, she gave us such a pretty sunset, beautiful weather, starry sky, she even gave us the moon to end the evening with

Do keep a look out on Singapore Botanic Gardens' website for regular updates of events and happenings, you will never run out of things to do in this beautiful park we are proud to call our own.

1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569

Opening Hours :
5.00am - 12.00pm daily

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