Monday 27 February 2017

A Slice Of History Over Lunch - Chong Wen Ge Cafe

I love everything old. There is just something "more" about old stuff - more character, history, charm. Many a time, I would stand and literally stare, at the intricacies of old buildings. How things were put together, how every piece of tile was painstakingly handpainted, how every piece of carving tells a story, how the walls are adorned with meticulous artwork made possible only by the hands of a skilled artisan. Which brings me to one of my favorite lunch joints in the CBD - Chong Wen Ge Cafe.

Intricately decorated pavilion now play host to an outdoor seating area

Chong Wen Ge is located right next to Thian Hock Keng Temple (the oldest and most important temple of the Hokkien community in our little Sunny Island).
Who would ever thought a Peranakan makan joint exists in such an unlikely setting?

There are cooling units located around this beautiful pagoda seating area, so fret not ladies, our perfectly-put-together make-up will not melt into oblivion here.

Insta-worthy moment

They offer a selection of kuehs as well. Heard the Onde-Ondes are pretty decent!
Take a step inside the blue building next to the pretty pagoda, here you will find the kueh station and the cashier counter (this is where you place your orders). You will be given a buzzer, have a seat, wait to be buzzed and head inside to collect your order.

There is an indoor seating option (with AC of course). Located right next to the tables is a small corner selling antique Peranakan tiles.

Clockwise from top : Nyonya Laksa @ $10.80 (the gravy packs good enough a punch with the lingering sweetness of the prawn stock and fragrant spices), Nyonya Mee Siam @ $10.80, Nyonya Curry Chicken @ $10.80

Love the old school Ah Ma plate! Brought on a tinge of nostalgia..
One small gripe.. The rice portion is small, and unfortunately, was also a bit on the undercooked side. Pity, would have been great to have it piping hot, soft and fluffy.

The curry was very flavorful, the aromatics and herbs tasted fresh and pretty authentic. Would have preferred it with more substantial chicken parts though, we had only the wing portions.

One word. Beautiful.

Chong Wen Ge
168 Telok Ayer Street, Singapore 068619
Tel : +65 9168 3208
Email :

Opening Hours
Daily 10.00am - 6.00pm

**Point to note - They accept only CASH**

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