Monday 29 May 2017

Reddy Goes A-Wandering - Eng Kee Famous Roasted Duck

A good 80% of places I've written about here, were accidental finds. Wandering feet during lunch hour can often lead me to pretty good joints. Just like this place in some random coffeeshop in a small slip road next to the busier Anson Road. I've often come across a snaking queue right in front of the coffeeshop (whilst on my way to another favourite Indian makan joint, which I will talk about some time soon) and wondered what could be tantalising enough to warrant such a queue! Yes, like any true blue Singaporean, who adores food, I found myself drawn towards the enigmatic draw of the line-up. Haha. So here you go, Eng kee Famous Roasted Duck, for your reading pleasure. Promise not to drool too much ok? 
Aiyo... just look at the crackling............

Sunday 21 May 2017

Old School Fave - Ali Nachia Briyani Dam

Briyani, as defined by Wikipedia, is a Southeast Asian rice dish, originating from the Muslim and Indian subcontinent community. It is essentially made of meat (can be chicken, mutton, beef, and the not very common fish), spices and long grained Basmati rice. There are many variations of briyani, in India itself, almost every region has it's own special version of this hearty meal. In our Little Red Dot, we are more accustomed to 3 versions (me thinks) - Dum Briyani, Tandoori Briyani and Curry Briyani. My personal favorite would have to be the Dum Briyani, which brings us to the old school favorite - Ali Nachia Briyani Dam (more famously known as the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station briyani joint).

Chicken Dam Briyani @ $7.00