Friday 27 November 2015

Reddy's Comfort Food - Ippudo

Ippudo. The name synonymous with a good hearty bowl of ramen - where there is just that little something extra and something different that is so addictive, and it makes me drool myself silly at the very thought. Ippudo was founded in 1985, in what is called the "Ramen Capital of Hakata", by Mr Shigemi Kawahara. Fast forward to present day, Ippudo have since flourished to over 80 stores in Japan alone and about 40 more worldwide. In my opinion, what sets apart one bowl of ramen to the other is nothing but the broth. At Ippudo, the color of the broth seems about the same as everywhere else, but the taste? Oh, the exquisite taste! There is so much depth and aroma to each spoonful, which can only be possible with meticulous and painstakingly time consuming extracting of all the wonderful goodness from hours of boiling of bones and meat (basically that's what I understand from making ramen broth, haha). Ippudo was then my favourite ramen joint, is currently still my favourite ramen joint, and probably will remain as THE favourite ramen joint for some time to come.

Appetiser of Goma Q (Chilled Cucumber) @ $6.00

Friday 20 November 2015

Reddy's Solo Lunch Adventure - Kamal Restaurant, Stanley Street

Eating in the CBD is not all fancy and posh and atas. Take a walk around and you will be surprised at what hidden gems you can uncover. Kamal Restaurant, home to what I think is THE BESTEST fried chicken briyani and curry chicken briyani is tucked in the middle of a nondescript row of shophouse at Stanley Street. You can tell by the crowd that Kamal's serves an authentic enough a dish or two. Nothing beats food good enough to remind you of home. And oh, did I mention that they make a mean Teh Halia too?

Wednesday 4 November 2015

RaRa and Reddy's Adventure with Creatures Of The Deep @ ArtScience Museum MBS

"We know more about the surface of the Moon and about Mars than we do about [the deep sea floor], despite the fact that we have yet to extract a gram of food, a breath of oxygen or a drop of water from those bodies."
— Paul Snelgrove, Oceanographer

And with that thought, RaRa and Reddy ventured neath the wild blue yonder. Actually, we were here after visiting the Dreamworks exhibition which was just next door. Hehe. "The Deep" is an exhibition about the life and it's mysteries in the depths of the largest body of life on Earth - the Ocean. There are numerous displays of deep sea creatures (alien looking lifeforms!) to keep the curious minds engaged. The specimens are exhibited in preserved forms as they are unable to survive the different pressure, salinity, temperature and oxygen levels between the deep and shallow waters. They are preserved in formalin (yes, embalming fluid) to ensure that they appear as close to what they would have looked like in real life. The exhibition is set in pitch black environment, to give you the sensation of being submerged in the depths of the deep blue sea. Well, not to mention the super cold air-conditioning effect to make it just a wee bit more realistic :)

In many animals of the deep sea, bioluminescence is used as a form of camouflage

Monday 2 November 2015

Mad About Sucre - Reddy On Sucre High

Pastries have always been Reddy's Achilles Heel. Being in a pastry shop is akin to a child being in a candy store - eyes are all wide with curious bewilderment, the mind soaks in the multi sensory treat, and the taste buds tingles with excitement on the thought of devouring each and every piece of those painstakingly handcrafted works of art. Enter Mad About Sucre, one of the newest pattiserie in town with pastry chef Lena Chan at it's helm, armed with a prestigious Le Cordon Bleu qualification, and her brother fashionable brother Eric who is in charge of marketing and daily operations. Their small cakes menu change seasonally, the menu is not extensive, you get only a few flavours for each season, but there will be a few signature ones which are usually on the menu on a daily basis - the chocolate dome dessert of "Black San Domingue" and their Hummingbird cake. The service is impeccable - not the stuffy fine dining kind of impeccable, but more that with feel-good warmth and genuine enthusiasm.