Friday 20 November 2015

Reddy's Solo Lunch Adventure - Kamal Restaurant, Stanley Street

Eating in the CBD is not all fancy and posh and atas. Take a walk around and you will be surprised at what hidden gems you can uncover. Kamal Restaurant, home to what I think is THE BESTEST fried chicken briyani and curry chicken briyani is tucked in the middle of a nondescript row of shophouse at Stanley Street. You can tell by the crowd that Kamal's serves an authentic enough a dish or two. Nothing beats food good enough to remind you of home. And oh, did I mention that they make a mean Teh Halia too?

Yes, I did not order the fried chicken, as I adore the Curry Chicken and loads of gravy, 2 dishes worth of heavenly gravy.

Favourite bit? The cholesterol laden fried crispy bits that came from the fried chicken spice mix. The dish just feels too naked to do without!

Salivating already.. The gravy is chockful of flavour and has enough oomph of heat from the chilli.
Stay tuned for a review of the fried chicken version!

Kamal Restaurant
7 Stanley Street
Singapore 068726
Tel : +65 6221 7677

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