Thursday 31 December 2015

Ice Cream Man

(**Sung to the tune of Muffin Man**)
"Oh, do you know the ice cream man,

The ice cream man, the ice cream man,
Oh, do you know the ice cream man,
That lives on Drury Lane?"

Yes, the traditional Ice Cream Man who used to come by with a motorcycle modified to add on a "freezer" cart, has now gone up a notch by going around in a colourfully decorated van with sparkling LED lights. Moving ahead with the times to say the least :) Well this Ice Cream Man seems to be an Auntie and Uncle team - the Uncle blares the horn to reel in the crowd while the Auntie does the serving. The have the potong type of ice cream and they also offer some homemade flavours. We tried the Chocolate Chip flavour, and was so hooked that RaRa had to get another cone! While fancy ice cream parlours are all the rage nowadays, simple pleasures derived from a sweet, cold, creamy and messy treat from the humble neighbourhood ice cream man, brings back a sense of nostalgia from days of our childhood era. And that, my friend, is something money cannot buy.

This was simply awesome! Even had cornflake bits!

Cone Number Two.
Sorry folks, the price slipped our minds. We hope to catch the Ice Cream Auntie and Uncle again to update the pricing!

Can spot the van from a mile away. In every sense of the word!

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