Saturday 21 May 2016

RaRa and Reddy's Adventures in Lion City - Old School Fun @ Mainland Tropical Fish Farm

Once upon a time in a time not too distant ago, longkang fishing was one of life's simple pleasures in our then more-green-less-concrete-jungle home in Lion City. Not one of the cleanest leisure activity definitely, but certainly one that ranks a full score of 10 on the fun scale. These days, with the all the rapid development and fast disappearing natural landscapes, we are left with not too many places to enjoy those good old kampung days. Well luckily for us, an enterprising few has come up with a kampung setup within their premises to bring us back to those beautiful days. And if you happen to live around the East Side, there is just the place for you (actually there are other options too, but we have yet to venture further.. one day soon we will!)

Mainland Fish Farm has been around for many many years and we have come here many times too. They are conveniently located just next to the main road. They are well, basically as the name implies, a fish farm. From what we gather, they breed ornamental fish for local and overseas market. 

Less than 5 minutes walk from the main road, Mainland Fish Farm is the first on the stretch of road. For those who drive, there is ample space for parking inside. Oh, gentle reminder? For those prone to be fed on by mozzies? Do wear a mozzie patch or cover yourself liberally with insect repellent! 

Go towards this space to purchase fish food (for fish feeding, comes in $1.00 or $3.00 portion) or if you would like to buy a session of longkang fishing, $4.00 for 30 minute session, comes with a tiny net and a bucket.

We weren't too great at this, but at least we managed some! You've got to be super quick though as these little fishies are really fast! And oh, don't be afraid to get soaked and dirty too!

We let 'em fishies go as we didn't want to lug them home.

Resident duck. Haha

Now, this is certainly a sight to behold, The mighty Arapaima. They are one the largest specimen of fresh water fish and grow up to a length of 2m. Arapaimas are native to the Amazon and the Essequibo basins of South America. For $4.00 you can purchase some food to enjoy a memorable feeding session with them giants. Oh, the metal fences surrounding the pond? They are there for our safety, yes, safety. The fish is pretty huge and have the ability to jump out of water (in the their natural habitat, they jump of the water to catch small birds from low hanging tree branches).

There are ponds of various sizes holding these beautiful kois in varying stages of growth. Throw a handful of the fish feed and watch them get in a feeding frenzy. And if you are lucky you might catch a glimpse of two of kois jumping out of water (auspicious sign according to Chinese belief!)

Other than selling ornamental fish, they also do parties and prawn fishing. 
Perfect area to get away from the hectic demands of our concrete jungle, excellent venue to educate our young ones on the beauty of nature and the simple kampung atmosphere.

No 1 Pasir Ris Farmway 519352
Tel : +65 62887 3883, +65 6584 3643, +65 6581 2550
Email :

Opening Hours :
Daily 0830hrs - 1900hrs

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