Tuesday 25 July 2017

RaRa and Reddy Goes To Potato Head Bali!

I should learn to not procrastinate. In a blink of an eye, it's been 12 months since our vacay to the gorgeously awe-inspiring Bali. Well this has to be the longest trip for us.. 9 days was it? Armed with a list of to-go-places (which unfortunately was not even close to half the list checked off) and enthusiasm to the max, we embarked on our long delayed vacay. And what visit to Bali is complete without a trip down to the mother of all Bali beach clubs - Potato Head Beach Club! So here we go.. Or rather, read about how it went down that day, 12 months ago. Haha. Better late than never I would say :)

Here's the gang chillin' by the pool. And oh, the awesome backdrop is da bomb.

Monday 10 July 2017

Reddy Goes To Biku @ Bali

There's something truly magical about this place. Island Of The Gods they call it. To most people, it is simply known as Bali. I've been here a few times, and yet I feel that I've barely scraped the surface of what this place has to offer. Bali is a land of enchantment and mystical magic. I feel myself so drawn into the beauty of the place that I find it challenging to leave every time. This visit, I've vowed to at pay homage to some of THE institutions that I've lusted over on Instagram. And being such a fan of all things pretty and cakes/pastries/food/all things yum, I've found myself lured into the enigmatic draw of Biku.

For those who love being under the warmth of the sun, there are also outdoor seating options. 
So Instaworthy!