Wednesday 27 September 2017

There's Always Room For Ice Cream!

I remember having my first Magnum bar. It was like the Rolex of all ice creams (on a stick) for me then, and even till today, I still kinda feel the sense of "atasness" when I bite into a bar. Well, I did not grow up with a silver spoon, so a Magnum was then quite a grand treat for this simple small town girl. Now that I am older, and have a bit more means to sample frozen treats of all kinds, I still go back to that familiar deliciousness once in awhile. Well imagine my excitement when I saw that Magnum opened (an aptly named) Pleasure Store at Ion Orchard. It's like the MTV show "Pimp My Ride" where a bunch of normal looking cars got a makeover inside out, this Pleasure Store is the Pimp-My-Ride treatment of the humble ice cream on a stick.

Dark Chocolate Coated Magnum Bar with Pistachios, Chilli Flakes, Sea Salt and White Chocolate Drizzle @ $8.00

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Homely Indian Cuisine @ Shree Ganga, Stanley Street

I have always been intrigued with cooking with spices. Growing up in a multiracial country, we are often exposed to food of other cultures, my favorite is having Roti Canai or better known here as Roti Prata with a simple dip of curry or dalcha (I loved the chicken curry gravy best), oh, and not forgetting a good Briyani dish too. It is amazing how spices, when used correctly, can make a world of a difference when it comes to taste and flavor, how the addition or omission of just one single spice can alter the final outcome. Indian cuisine, is one fine example of how spices are heavily used to build layer upon layers of flavors in many of their dishes. If you are in and around Stanley Street area and have a massive craving for good, hearty, authentic Indian cuisine, head down to Shree Ganga. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

A feast for the senses