Monday 19 October 2015

Mooncake Overload - When RaRa and Reddy Went Overboard..

Have to admit that I did go overboard. Too many goodies too little time and tummy space! Gluttony took the reign unfortunately and we ended up with too many a good thing. But on the other hand, RaRa and Reddy ate to their's (very greedy) heart's content! Here's to the extra weight and thicker waistline! Yay!

Pink = Praline Chocolate Poprocks, White = White Chocolate Yuzu, Purple = Dark Chocolate Truffle 99%, Green = Salted Caramel

Packaging was kept simple in a regular box

One of the big players in town. Ritz Carlton comes up with different packaging ideas every year. Have to say that this year's design can be useful, you can recycle the box into a storage drawer for your bits and pieces of whatnots.

Careless me, ordered the plains instead of the ones with the Salted Egg Yolk. Must be too excited. The Lycheetini is as good as it was last year, and as the last...

Not too much a fan of traditional baked mooncake, but this came as a gift. I believe this was East Ocean's?

Of no relation a hotel chain of the same brand name, Four Seasons started off as a fresh fruit stall along Thomson Road in the 70s. 

Singaporean-ised mooncake - Snowskin Durian Mooncake. Encased inside the layer of snowskin is a party of pure durian paste

This odd shaped mooncake is actually pretty good! The crust is buttery, soft and fragrant whilst the lotus paste filling is smooth with just the right amount of sugar.

Now that the season's over and we have stuffed ourselves fat, it's time to burn those fats and wait for what next year has to offer!

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