Monday 28 August 2017

There's Always Room For Kueh - Xing Xing Ondeh Onder & Tapioca Cake

I am finicky when it comes to cakes, pastries, cookies. The sweet stuff. But. I am EXTRA finicky when it comes to kueh. Yes. Peranakan kuehs. I guess growing up in a Peranakan household (where every household's mom/grandma makes the best version of so and so) made me very critical of kuehs in particular. So I would say that I have quite high an expectation when it comes to kuehs. Which brings me to this little hawker stall in Maxwell that I have to rave about - Xing Xing Ondeh Ondeh & Tapioca Cake.

Freshly made these were, they were still warm when I picked them up from the stall.
Tapioca Kueh and Kueh Kosui @ $5.10 a pack

Excited to finally be here, I've tasted the Kueh Kosui once and was smitten since.
Guess they only have Tapioca Kueh and Kosui today. Works fine for me! I love both!

Next time perhaps..

Tapioca Kueh (yellow in color) is essentially made of tapioca (some call it cassava), sugar, egg, coconut milk. It is a steamed version of Kueh Bingka Ubi (aka Tapioca Cake, which is baked). This may be of Perankan origin, but it can be widely found in both Malay and Chinese household as well. We are after all, living in a multiracial society, it is inevitable that our cuisines will somehow make an appearance in other cultures in the same form or slightly different.

Kueh Kosui or also known as Kueh Ko Swee (brown in color) is also a familiar Peranakan favourite. You can steam them in little Chinese teacups or in a big pan/mold. This soft, chewy and caramelish little kueh is made from gula melaka, rice and tapioca flour, and is tossed in freshly grated coconut flesh. One of my personal favorite, erhm, anything with Gula Melaka (palm sugar) works for me!

A picture doesn't do justice to the actual thing. You cant quite describe in a picture how soft and chewy this is. Or can you..? Time to brush up on photography skills!

Make it a point to come by early, before lunch hour preferably. They sell out very quickly!

Xing Xing Ondeh Ondeh & Tapioca Cake
#01-31 Maxwell Food Centre
1 Kadayanallur Street
Singapore 069184

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