Thursday 14 December 2017

RaRa and Reddy Goes To Pasar Malam, Malaysian Style

We were fortunate enough to be able to visit a Ramadan (makan) bazaar during the fasting month earlier this year in June. Nothing beats a visit to a local market, especially if it's a food market! The sights, and sounds, and smells.. teased the tastebuds with every step we took. A typical Ramadan bazaar comes alive about a few hours before break fast time. Everything happens at a frenzied pace, everything must go, no leftovers. Well it's food, so you kinda get the idea. So here you go folks, this was what we experienced..
Promise not to drool :)

Monday 27 November 2017

Chicken Soup For The Soul (Well kinda..) - 75 Ah Balling Peanut Soup

It's November, and it's cold and wet, almost every other day. What better way to warm up our tummies and spirits than with a delicious, heartwarming, comforting bowl of piping hot Ah Balling. What is Ah Balling? Ah Balling is what Singaporeans call stuffed tang yuan. Tang yuan is essentially a Chinese dessert, made of glutinous rice flour and water, shaped into balls (can come in various sizes, colors), and is served in a sweet broth (can be ginger flavored, longan, peanut, soya milk). Tang yuan is usually eaten during the Lantern Festival, Winter Solstice Festival, wedding day, or special occasions like family reunions. Tang yuan comes in non-stuffed and stuffed version. Fillings can range from the traditional black sesame, peanut, red bean, yam, to (more recent modern ones) matcha, durian.  Nowadays, Ah Balling can be found all year round, and is sold at hawker centers, food courts, and even at the frozen section of supermarkets! Here's one I know is a perennial amongst us locals, 75 Ah Balling Peanut Soup.

Thursday 26 October 2017

RaRa and Reddy Goes To Negeri Jelapang Padi

One of the very unlikely places in our neighbouring country to pay a visit to, Kedah Darul Aman. Where is Kedah you may ask. Well, think Langkawi, somewhere southeast across the sea to the mainland, that's Kedah. Kedah is also has very close proximity to Penang and Thailand, both places are accessible within a an hour to two hours drive. The only thing I've ever known about Kedah (from my school days) is that it is known for being the rice bowl of Malaysia. This northwestern state of Malaysia is the main producer of rice and and produces about one third of the country's rice supply. The capital of the state is the small town of Alor Setar, which is the main gateway (by air) into the state. You can get here via Kuala Lumpur, flight options are pretty decent with options of Malaysia Airlines, Air Asia, Malindo and Firefly to choose from. Come join us as we recap our trip there.
First stop : Menara Alor Setar

Iphone does make a pretty decent camera, look at the clarity! No filter needed!

Wednesday 27 September 2017

There's Always Room For Ice Cream!

I remember having my first Magnum bar. It was like the Rolex of all ice creams (on a stick) for me then, and even till today, I still kinda feel the sense of "atasness" when I bite into a bar. Well, I did not grow up with a silver spoon, so a Magnum was then quite a grand treat for this simple small town girl. Now that I am older, and have a bit more means to sample frozen treats of all kinds, I still go back to that familiar deliciousness once in awhile. Well imagine my excitement when I saw that Magnum opened (an aptly named) Pleasure Store at Ion Orchard. It's like the MTV show "Pimp My Ride" where a bunch of normal looking cars got a makeover inside out, this Pleasure Store is the Pimp-My-Ride treatment of the humble ice cream on a stick.

Dark Chocolate Coated Magnum Bar with Pistachios, Chilli Flakes, Sea Salt and White Chocolate Drizzle @ $8.00

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Homely Indian Cuisine @ Shree Ganga, Stanley Street

I have always been intrigued with cooking with spices. Growing up in a multiracial country, we are often exposed to food of other cultures, my favorite is having Roti Canai or better known here as Roti Prata with a simple dip of curry or dalcha (I loved the chicken curry gravy best), oh, and not forgetting a good Briyani dish too. It is amazing how spices, when used correctly, can make a world of a difference when it comes to taste and flavor, how the addition or omission of just one single spice can alter the final outcome. Indian cuisine, is one fine example of how spices are heavily used to build layer upon layers of flavors in many of their dishes. If you are in and around Stanley Street area and have a massive craving for good, hearty, authentic Indian cuisine, head down to Shree Ganga. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

A feast for the senses

Thursday 31 August 2017

Char Kway Teow For The Health Conscious Folks

I remember this Char Kway Teow from more than 10 years ago when I first had it. That was the first and only time I've had it until I came across the stall again. What stood out for me then was the baby Ikan Bilis (Silver Fish) and the bed of beautiful Chye Sim (green leafy vegetable that belongs to the mustard family). Fast forward more than a decade later, this dish hasn't changed a bit. It is still as delicious as it was then, and in a way, a "healthier" version of the traditional Char Kway Teow that uses lard and Chinese Sausages. Oh, a point to note (for the health conscious ones), this CKT does not contain pork nor lard. 

I ordered the $4 portion. Should have gone for the $5. Go big or go home right? Haha.

Monday 28 August 2017

There's Always Room For Kueh - Xing Xing Ondeh Onder & Tapioca Cake

I am finicky when it comes to cakes, pastries, cookies. The sweet stuff. But. I am EXTRA finicky when it comes to kueh. Yes. Peranakan kuehs. I guess growing up in a Peranakan household (where every household's mom/grandma makes the best version of so and so) made me very critical of kuehs in particular. So I would say that I have quite high an expectation when it comes to kuehs. Which brings me to this little hawker stall in Maxwell that I have to rave about - Xing Xing Ondeh Ondeh & Tapioca Cake.

Freshly made these were, they were still warm when I picked them up from the stall.
Tapioca Kueh and Kueh Kosui @ $5.10 a pack

Thursday 24 August 2017

Reddy Visits Mama's Kent Penang Delights

It is strange, for our Little Red Dot to be so close to our fellow neighbour, Malaysia, and yet be so vastly different when it comes to authentic Malaysian cuisine here. So when I actually do come across something (Malaysian) that blows my mind, I can't help but to find myself jumping for joy at my own little discovery. If you enjoy a good bowl of Penang Laksa, here's one you can add to your list of faves on our little sunny island.

The eye-catching vivid colors!

Monday 21 August 2017

RaRa and Reddy's Treat Time @ Churn Creamery, Tanjong Pagar ***Reopen at Tg Pagar Plaza @ Sep 2017**

Opened only quite recently in May 2015, Churn Creamery sits along the stretch of pretty old shophouses of the Tanjong Pagar stretch heavily dotted with Korean BBQ joints. Occupying a small space with bare minimum decor, they are known for churning out (noticed the pun? hahaha) quality homemade artisanal ice cream. And the one little thing that set them apart from the rest? Chocolate sauce. Yes. Simple but oh-so-divine! Anything chocolate in liquid form is pure gold. Ask for your ice cream in their signature chocolate filled cone and be prepared to drool as you watch your cone slowly filling up with sinfully delicious oozy chocolate sauce. Churn Creamery has this "magic" tap that dispenses the sauce like how water would be from a tap. Wish we could have drank straight from the tap, just like a water fountain! Price is a bit steep but that chocolate made it all seem worthwhile :)

Reddy Feeling "Healthy" @ May May ***Closed. Updated Aug 2017***

May May is one of the new kid on the Tras Street block of buildings. Opened just about a year ago in December 2014, they are the sister establishment of The Blue Ginger, a name synonymous with authentic Nyonya cuisine. No, you wouldn't find your Ayam Buah Keluak fix here, but instead what you can expect to find are modern and casual interpretation inspired by our colourful local flavours and also those around this region. The portions don't seem too overwhelming, which is good news for small eaters (just because there is room for more stuff then!). Staff are prompt, polite and pretty much well versed with what they have to offer. My favourite part? The skylight that fills quite a fair bit of ceiling space! It's especially beautiful when the sky decided to pour the heavens down - with just a hint of daylight and soothing raindrops trickling into a gentle flow upon falling upon the skylight.

Friday 18 August 2017

Sticky Gooey Yummylicious Lor Mee @ Famous Amoy Street Lu Mian

Well, finally there's another lor mee stall which I can actually make it in time for lunch in Amoy. The one at 2nd floor (Yuan Chun) is always sold out by the time I get to them after 12.00pm. Famous Amoy Street Lu Mian they're called, recently opened, probably around April or May this year. Here they serve only 2 versions - regular ($3.00) and "extra fish" ($4.00). I opted for the $4.00 version and boy, I was way pleased I did!

Chunks of fried fish. OMG so, so, darn good :)

Friday 11 August 2017

Chicken Rice Fix @ Kampong Chicken Eating House

Ask any Singaporean for local food recommendations and Chicken Rice will always make it in the list of must-eats. Where I grew up, chicken rice wasn't what I know it to be now. When my little town was introduced to "Singapore Chicken Rice", it simply blew my mind. How could something so simple - blanched chicken and rice, be so delicious and addictive?? Yes, the golden standard of chicken rice (in my hometown) is to be as good as "Singapore Chicken Rice" (well, the name of the shop IS also Singapore Chicken Rice. Haha). Fast forward 30 years later, here I am, in the motherland of THE chicken rice that I lusted for throughout my childhood. And my love for chicken rice brought me to this nondescript little place along Outram Road - Kampung Chicken Eating House.

Just look at the glisten of the silky smooth chicken skin..

Tuesday 25 July 2017

RaRa and Reddy Goes To Potato Head Bali!

I should learn to not procrastinate. In a blink of an eye, it's been 12 months since our vacay to the gorgeously awe-inspiring Bali. Well this has to be the longest trip for us.. 9 days was it? Armed with a list of to-go-places (which unfortunately was not even close to half the list checked off) and enthusiasm to the max, we embarked on our long delayed vacay. And what visit to Bali is complete without a trip down to the mother of all Bali beach clubs - Potato Head Beach Club! So here we go.. Or rather, read about how it went down that day, 12 months ago. Haha. Better late than never I would say :)

Here's the gang chillin' by the pool. And oh, the awesome backdrop is da bomb.

Monday 10 July 2017

Reddy Goes To Biku @ Bali

There's something truly magical about this place. Island Of The Gods they call it. To most people, it is simply known as Bali. I've been here a few times, and yet I feel that I've barely scraped the surface of what this place has to offer. Bali is a land of enchantment and mystical magic. I feel myself so drawn into the beauty of the place that I find it challenging to leave every time. This visit, I've vowed to at pay homage to some of THE institutions that I've lusted over on Instagram. And being such a fan of all things pretty and cakes/pastries/food/all things yum, I've found myself lured into the enigmatic draw of Biku.

For those who love being under the warmth of the sun, there are also outdoor seating options. 
So Instaworthy!

Friday 16 June 2017

RaRa and Reddy Goes To Coastes @ Sentosa

There are times when I crave for that quintessential "beach holiday" feel, I find myself back at this little island away from THE main island. Well, not so away lah, it's just a cable car ride/monorail ride/short car ride across the water/bridge. Sentosa, despite it being overridden by selfie-stick-armed-tourists, still have a few hidden gems for those of us eager to escape from our hectic, perpetual rush-hour life. Step in Coastes (on Siloso Beach), and you will find yourself transported to a make-believe faraway land (for me it's probably Bali lah, but that's good enough).

Best seats in the house - try to get on the daybeds, they have the perfect spot for sunset watching

Monday 29 May 2017

Reddy Goes A-Wandering - Eng Kee Famous Roasted Duck

A good 80% of places I've written about here, were accidental finds. Wandering feet during lunch hour can often lead me to pretty good joints. Just like this place in some random coffeeshop in a small slip road next to the busier Anson Road. I've often come across a snaking queue right in front of the coffeeshop (whilst on my way to another favourite Indian makan joint, which I will talk about some time soon) and wondered what could be tantalising enough to warrant such a queue! Yes, like any true blue Singaporean, who adores food, I found myself drawn towards the enigmatic draw of the line-up. Haha. So here you go, Eng kee Famous Roasted Duck, for your reading pleasure. Promise not to drool too much ok? 
Aiyo... just look at the crackling............

Sunday 21 May 2017

Old School Fave - Ali Nachia Briyani Dam

Briyani, as defined by Wikipedia, is a Southeast Asian rice dish, originating from the Muslim and Indian subcontinent community. It is essentially made of meat (can be chicken, mutton, beef, and the not very common fish), spices and long grained Basmati rice. There are many variations of briyani, in India itself, almost every region has it's own special version of this hearty meal. In our Little Red Dot, we are more accustomed to 3 versions (me thinks) - Dum Briyani, Tandoori Briyani and Curry Briyani. My personal favorite would have to be the Dum Briyani, which brings us to the old school favorite - Ali Nachia Briyani Dam (more famously known as the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station briyani joint).

Chicken Dam Briyani @ $7.00

Monday 27 February 2017

A Slice Of History Over Lunch - Chong Wen Ge Cafe

I love everything old. There is just something "more" about old stuff - more character, history, charm. Many a time, I would stand and literally stare, at the intricacies of old buildings. How things were put together, how every piece of tile was painstakingly handpainted, how every piece of carving tells a story, how the walls are adorned with meticulous artwork made possible only by the hands of a skilled artisan. Which brings me to one of my favorite lunch joints in the CBD - Chong Wen Ge Cafe.

Intricately decorated pavilion now play host to an outdoor seating area