Wednesday 28 December 2016

Reddy's Solo Lunch Adventure @ Chalong, Tanjong Pagar Centre

Yay, Tanjong Pagar-ians now have "mini mall" with a spanking new array of food options! Recently opened Tanjong Pagar Centre (oh it is also coincidentally the tallest building in Singapore), located just right next to Tanjong Pagar MRT, will house an exciting mix of eateries, spotted so far are Llao Llao, Royce, Henri Charpentier (opening soon), Crave Nasi Lemak (the famous original Adam Road nasi lemak), IndoChilli, The Daily Cut, Han's, Swee Heng, and of course there so many more to mention. Walking around B2 of the building during a "fam trip" my eyes were drawn to this shop with mouthwatering pictures of grilled meat. Say hello to "Chalong", the newest kid on our block.

18 hour Sous Vide Pork Jowl @ $12.00

Wednesday 23 November 2016

When life gets you down, have some keropok :)

I love my crisps. Slice anything up thinly, bake it or fry it, make it crispy and crunchy and I will love it. Oh, especially local crisps - those keropoks! Fellow CBD-ians should be quite acquainted with this little corner of keropok heaven, located across Amoy Hawker Centre and right next to Gayatri (the popular Indian makan place). The stall has no name, but you can't miss it. Displayed invitingly are baskets full of local crisps of all kinds - sweet, savoury, spicy, non-spicy. Just be sure to not buy EVERYTHING you see, just as how I have to put some brakes on myself everytime I visit.

The keropoks are normally quite fresh, some are delivered just as they are done. 

Thursday 3 November 2016

Red Hot Chilli Ban Mee @ Amoy

I have a new addiction - and it comes in a form of noodles. Yes, 'em humble noodles. Something so simple can come in so many variations, and they can be so darn delicious at that. Was recently introduced to this mouth-watering bowl of chilli goodness, churned out by Grandma Ban Mee in Amoy Food Centre (apparently they been in operation since Dec 2015 and I've only been flagged of their existence like a week ago. Tsk tsk tsk, must keep eyes open wide enough), and I've been hooked ever since.

Like OMG really.............. Take my money already, please.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Low Down on Good Eats - Amoy Food Center Series

Can't quite find any write-ups about this hawker center. But from the facade of the building, it looks to be have been built around the 80s? Nonetheless, for those working around the CBD (Shenton Way, Tanjong Pagar area) you would have been pretty much acquainted with grabbing a hurried lunch here, jostling with the office crowd and choping seats with tissue packets, namecards, EZ Link cards, etc...... Ahh, the joys of dining in the Central Business District. Despite all the shortcomings this place has, it still proves to be a popular dining choice, food is good and decently priced. Here I have listed down some personal faves which I hope you may enjoy as much I do!

Rafee's Corner #01-76
They make one of THE Best Teh Halia ever. Key point to note is, when asked for "kurang manis" or "less sweet", the tea comes with just a hint of sweetness that does not overpower the heady scent of ginger and freshly brewed tea. Although they generally have some kuehs for sale throughout the day, the best variety is found in the mornings. Come early in to find familiar favourites like Kueh Lopis, Kueh Kosui and Pulut Panggang.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Would You Like Some Cha? @ Cha Tra Mue Tanjong Pagar

Just as how coffee come from a variety of beans from the world over, tea, too, come from a variety of tea leaves from the world over. Tea originated from southwestern China, and is now the second most widely consumed drink in the world (after water!). While tea plants may have it's origins in East Asia, throughout the years, with different types of processing and hybridization, we now have a mind boggling array of brews to choose from (if you happen to be at TWG, do take some time to browse through their non-exhaustive list of brews sourced from all around the world). It is said that China's legendary Da Hong Pao tea is the world's most expensive tea, 1g of this rare tea will set you back a staggering $1,400, or $10,000 for a pot! But hey, we don't need to go to that extent for a good cuppa, not too far away, tucked away along the stretch of little shops at Tanjong Pagar MRT, is Cha Tra Mue, who in my opinion, does the best Thai Milk Tea I have come across by far. And, I believe the throngs of eager customers awaiting their orders around lunch hour can attest to my claim, hehe.

Liquid gold

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Magical Evening @ Cuca Flavor Restaurant, Jimbaran, Bali

It's been so long, since I have had actual time-out as a Mom. And we are talking time-out in a foreign land here! It has been a very trying of late, so many things going on in the background. What should I do with the evening that was miraculously gifted to me courtesy of a very dear friend (where the kid was spending a sleepover at)... With some very quick homework done a few hours to dinner time, Cuca Flavor was decided upon for dinner. The concept? Tapas style food given an artistic fine-dining updo while maintaining the traditional flavors of local Indonesian cooking.

Roasted Pork Buns @ IDR60K
Honey glazed BBQ pork held together with soft pancake bun. Utterly delicious.

Monday 8 August 2016

Tea Time @ Arteastiq Mandarin Gallery

I believe Arteastiq had it's humble beginnings sometime in 2010-ish, when it once shared the current space in Mandarin Gallery with a furniture store called MARXX. And from what I gathered from reading some past online reviews, the Arteastiq as we now come to know (art jamming with F&B) came out on it's own in 2011-ish, and has now grown to 2 outlets (one in the original Mandarin Gallery location and another in Plaza Singapura). They are known to be the place to go to for a quiet respite in chaotic downtown Orchard, somewhat tai-tai-ish, if I may say so. Arteastiq serves quite a good range of teas, beautiful food in a serene space, and for those with a penchant for art, you can unleash your inner Da Vinci in their art studio section of each outlet. We've done art jamming twice, will do a write-up on that soon enough! But for now, let's talk food. Haha

Afternoon Tea set @ $48++, enough for 2 not-so-hungry people

Sunday 7 August 2016

RaRa And Reddy Goes To Movie In Park

There is just something about the great outdoors. Being outside, amongst the greens, clean fresh air. coupled with beautiful weather, add in some food and drinks, a picnic blanket, some pillows, a movie and a gorgeous sunset... and we've got a winner! Singapore Botanic Gardens was given the honor of being listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site after being inscribed in Germany on 4th July 2015. How exciting is that, to have our very own gem of a park being one the only three Botanic Gardens listed as a heritage site (the other 2 being Kew Gardens in England and Padua Gardens in Italy). Our Botanic Gardens plays host to an array of events and activities all year round, ranging from free concerts, movie screenings, tours, walks.. There is always something for almost everyone. And lucky us, we managed to catch a movie screening during the March holiday this year,  Our very first movie in the park! Yay!

Perfect setting!

Thursday 4 August 2016

Sarnie Fix @ Park Bench Deli

There is nothing ordinary about the sarnies you get here. Everything seem to have gone for a "makeover", elevated to another level, gone from hmm-ok, to hmm-this-is-awesome. Opened not too long ago in 2015, this is a collaborative effort of Chef Ming (from the famed Lolla), Chef Andre Soen (The Cajun Kings) and business partner Aamir Ghani. No boring humdrum stuff here, expect amped up versions of humble everyday favourites. The menu might not too expansive, but hey, we believe that if you're gona sell just one thing, then you better be sure to make it so good you wouldn't have to sell anything else.

Grilled Cheese and Kong Bak Banh Mi

Andsoforth We Went! - The Picnic Edition

Stumbled upon an ad on Facebook, "The Picnic" it said, and indoor some more! There is no menu, no details of location, we are to book ourselves tickets, keep a look out for an "initiation" via SMS, follow instructions to the location of event (with clues provided), arrive at destination, have fun and oh, "keep The Secret between you (us) and us (Andsoforth)". Like OMG, so intriguing! Macam Amazing Race kinda feel! Psyched by the idea of a potential wild goose chase (considering my inability to navigate let alone read maps) and the mysterious makan session, I gamely paid for 2 tickets. And waited, and received, and found, and arrived, and ate, and had so much fun! Here's what went down..

Oh, just a tiny note, The Picnic was one of the many pop-up style events that Andsoforth has organized. The Picnic was sometime in Feb 2016, ya, procrastination took over unfortunately, bah (hence the They are now currently running another themed makan cum theater cum entertainment show entitled "The Spy, The Thug, His Wife, Her Lover". Tickets going for $88 per pop, check out their website for more details ya!

Our picnic basket for the afternoon (picnic basket did not come along, pity!)

Monday 11 July 2016

Playing Willy Wonka For The Day @ Anjali Chocolat

Chocolate. Now who does not like chocolate? They come in all shapes and sizes and all variations, it  is made into candies, truffles, artisan chocolates, used in baking, in cooking, the list is endless. It goes as far as your imagination take you. Artisan chocolate in our Little Red Dot is a rarity, quite understandably, our hot and humid climate is not exactly ideal to get creative with something as temperamental as chocolate. But with that said, where there is a will there is a way, there is always the option of working in a cool climate controlled room with a/c. And that brings us to Anjali Chocolat, Set up not too long ago, probably sometime in 2014, they are known for their handmade chocolates infused with exotic flavors, how does Lemongrass Coconut Truffles and Star Anise Bonbons sound like? Yeah, sounds good enough :)
Now let's get our hands dirty and make some chocolate!

White Chocolate Lavender Truffles and Mayan Chilli Bonbons for sampling. Bliss.

Sunday 19 June 2016

The Prettiest One Of Them All - PS Cafe Dempsey

Cafes come and go,but one has remained a crowd favourite for the longest time (well, we're talking about the average lifespan of a cafe which typically does not last beyond a year or two), yes, there is none other than PS Cafe. Opened 17 years ago as part of the Projectshop clothing store, they have withstood the test of time and has over the years, grown to a chain of 8 outlets islandwide. Having visited a few outlets, PS Cafe have never failed to impress me with the upkeep of their unblemished standard of food consistency. The only difference would have to be how each outlet is styled, but of course they stay true to the laidback, dark, sexy and chic vibe. And by far, hands down, PS Cafe Dempsey has won a place in my heart with the lush green surroundings and beautifully romantic interiors.

Saturday 18 June 2016

RaRa and Reddy Goes To Wheeler's Yard

Like finally, RaRa and Reddy visits one of the most Instagrammed place in our Little Red Dot - Wheeler's Yard. We were there just about 5-ish and waited out the few minutes till 6.00pm for dinner menu to kick in (just cause we wanted burger, again...) We wandered around the grounds to kill time, and for cycling enthusiasts, this place is Godsent - many bicycles and cycling related items to suit every budget, there is even a "waiting lounge" of retro proportions that is just next to the entrance to the cafe, probably for patrons to wait should it get too busy at the cafe, or perhaps simply just a chill out corner. We can see why Wheeler's Yard rate high on cafe junkies to-go-list, the place exudes a super chill and eclectic vibe, with great food to rave about. That's a winning combination folks. :)

Friday 17 June 2016

RaRa and Reddy's Day Out @ Potato Head Folk

Those familiar with Bali will definitely be well versed with the mere mention of "Potato Head". Singapore has for the past 2 years hosted this acclaimed brand name from the sunny shores of Bali. Potato Head Folk is housed in a restored pre-war art deco shophouse, occupying all 4 levels of the corner lot funky shophouse. First level holds the take-out counter of Three Buns, second holds the dining area of Three Buns, third and fourth are both bars, with the rooftop bar being at fourth. Us being burger fans were here to try out what Three Buns is known for - BURGERS!

Saturday 21 May 2016

RaRa and Reddy's Adventures in Lion City - Old School Fun @ Mainland Tropical Fish Farm

Once upon a time in a time not too distant ago, longkang fishing was one of life's simple pleasures in our then more-green-less-concrete-jungle home in Lion City. Not one of the cleanest leisure activity definitely, but certainly one that ranks a full score of 10 on the fun scale. These days, with the all the rapid development and fast disappearing natural landscapes, we are left with not too many places to enjoy those good old kampung days. Well luckily for us, an enterprising few has come up with a kampung setup within their premises to bring us back to those beautiful days. And if you happen to live around the East Side, there is just the place for you (actually there are other options too, but we have yet to venture further.. one day soon we will!)

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Gone Local @ Quan Ji, Amoy

Been to Amoy gazillion times, but never noticed them. Not till my eyes spotted a fellow colleague's takeaway lunch and I went... "Ehh? That looks and smells good!" So off to Amoy again, this time to try out Quan Ji's popular dish of Fried Sliced Fish Soup. This dish, along with the likes of Char Kway Tiao and Chicken Rice, is a staple in our hawker scene. There are a few variations - the ones with poached fish slices, the ones with prawns and fish slices, ones with slices of fish that are deep fried. You can add your choice of starch to the soup as well, be it "thick" or "thin" bee hoon, or just soup and a bowl of white rice on the side. Oh oh, not forgetting the "milk" version and the one without, and also another version that has XO added for that extra "zing"!
That's about all I can ramble off the top of my head about the "evolution" of the humble bowl of fish soup, now enjoy the salivating pictures I have to share with you guys! :)

Thick succulent slices of fish, very fresh and no "fishy" smell. Super sedap! Best eaten with a chilli padi and light soy sauce dip.. *drool*
Each portion at $5.00 a bowl.

Friday 18 March 2016

Heritage Trail - Boat Quay to Singapore National Museum

Am a poor sucker for long walks, especially after a gruelling day at the "Earn-A-Living-Place". It was a beautiful evening, sun's not too harsh and soft blowing wind set the mood for a nice long walk. Started off from the outer fringe of CBD, zigzagged past the massive after-office-hour crowd and finally broke "free" into Boat Quay through Raffles Place underpass. You may notice some "Anookis" on the facade of the National Museum in the picture below, yea, this is a long overdue post from a walking session sometime in 2015 during the Singapore Night Festival period in August. If you are an avid history buff with a keen interest in all things historical, then feel to read on :)
Do let us know if you have some interesting facts you would like to share along with ours! We'll be more than happy to hear from ya!

Soothing shades of pastels, perfect as a backdrop for the Anooki facade show beamed upon our iconic National Museum building.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Reddy's Lunchtime Adventures - Piao Ji Fish Porridge @ Amoy

There is perpetually a QUEUE here EVERYDAY. Like, we're talking 20-ish people minimum, and waiting time can range anything from 30 minutes (you're super lucky) to 50 minutes (that's the longest I have ever waited). Ask any fans of the healthy fish soup dish, Piao Ji Fish Porridge will be mentioned more often than not. What is the fuss about, one will ask. Well, once you have tasted the sweet tasty broth and taken bites of their succulent slices of very fresh fish, you too, will be hooked, and will join in the rest of the legions of fans who diligently await their turn in line to feed the need for more. So dramatic. Yes, very.

Fish and Prawn Soup. Damage? $10.00 for the smallest portion.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

RaRa and Reddy Visits "Glutton's Paradise" - OTT Cake Shakes @ Cake Spade

Over-The-Top-Milkshakes. An Instagram worthy piece of gluttony that sent the world into a frenzy. News has it that this trend found it's roots in a bakery-cafe (Patissez) in Canberra, Australia. Didn't take too long for the rest of the world to jump of the bandwagon of saccharine bliss. Over at Cake Spade, it seems, have gone one up from the already extravagant OTT Milkshake with their (extremely) Instagrammable Cake Shake. Essentially a hybrid of the OTT Milkshake with an addition of a bust-the-diet slice of homemade cake, each concoction never fail to illicit "Oohhhhs" and "Aaahhhhs" from gawking patrons. Brace yourselves people, we have pictures to drive you into sensory overload!

Green. Go green with envy.  

Thursday 14 January 2016

Reddy's Early Morning Breakfast Adventure - Neptune Dim Sum

Dim Sum or "Dian Xin" is essentially Cantonese in origin - bite sized, handcrafted portions of food served in bamboo steamer baskets, served typically during breakfast or tea time. Dim sum  is to the the Chinese community, what English Afternoon Tea is to the English (and the rest of the world nowadays). In keeping up with the times, dim sum is now readily available almost throughout the day, be it for breakfast,lunch, dinner and even supper in some places. Dim sum is one of Reddy's top fave comfort food, and any place with a good egg tart will definitely be on Reddy's radar. And that definitely makes Neptune Dim Sum at Marine Parade Hawker Center worthy enough a visit anytime.

Hello sunshine..

Thursday 7 January 2016

Reddy's Newfound Comfort Food - Pho 99

Our hot and super duper humid weather has finally taken a cooler turn, a much needed respite indeed! With the turn of the weather, Reddy's appetite has shifted to anything hot and soupy, and the "discovery" of a (not-so-new) Vietnamese joint couldn't come at a better time! Pho 99 is located right across from Amoy Hawker Centre, in an old conservation shophouse with windows painted vividly in hues of red, yellow, green and blue. If you intend to dine here at lunch hour, please be prepared to set aside some waiting time as there can be a line of waiting hungry diners (as with most places with great food :) )

Picture perfect