Monday 27 July 2015

Dinner Time With The Crazy Crowd - Song Fa Bak Kut Teh @ New Bridge Road

I love a good Bak Kut Teh (especially the Malaysian version, with darker broth and less pepper), living here for the past 2 decades has made me appreciate both versions - both are good in their own rights. Must have been living under a rock, as this is my maiden visit to Song Fa. Experienced quite a culture shock when I learnt one have to "queue" for a meal here. Yes, queue with throngs of tourists? Strange but yes. I suppose this is a "must-eat Bak Kut Teh" for tourists, just as how Tian Tian represents the humble Chicken Rice to visitors of our Little Red Dot.
Dip this in chilli laced thick soya sauce? Ecstasy. Full stop.

Hoardes of tourists waiting for a taste of Singapore. Song Fa has a smaller outlet just a few shops away from the corner (bigger) outlet.

Even have a signage wor

What was impressive was my order was waiting by the time I got to the table. Fast food :)

Drool drool. Comfort food. Juicy Premium Loin Ribs @ $9.50

Superstar of the evening - Braised Pork Belly @ $7.00. Soft, aromatic and flavourful, and it MELTS in your mouth.

Look at the gelatinous goodness packed in one tiny cube. No porky smell at all. That is the trademark of well cooked meat.

Reddy's Score sheet :

Ambience : 5/10 Lively, very local
Food : 9/10 Deliciously comforting
Service : 7/10 Prompt and fast

Website :

11 New Bridge Road
#01-01 Singapore 059383
(Upper Circular Road)
Tel : 6533 6128

Opening Hours :
Tuesday - Saturday : 9.00am - 9.15pm
Sunday : 8.30am - 9.15pm
Closed every Monday

There is another outlet a few shops down.

17 New Bridge Road
#01-01 Singapore 059383
Tel : 6438 2858

Opening Hours :
Daily 11.00am - 10.00am

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