Friday 31 July 2015

Return With A Vengeance - Treats with Pantler @ Telok Ayer

Life is so short. Why hold yourself back from a good dessert? Or two. After stuffing my face with 3 magical concoctions at the first visit, yes, Ms Piggy had to go back to the brilliant Pantler and sample more fantastic works of art. This time it was the Mille-Feuille and their signature Pantler Roll Cake.
Mille-Feuille @ $7.80. Looks like the simplest thing in the world ain't it? But no...... getting the puff pastry perfect - light, flaky and yet crispy is enough to make a few grown man/woman cry. The cream pattiserie is thick and rich (not cloyingly jelak and sugar laden) and you can visibly make out those tiny flecks of REAL vanilla pods. 

Had half the mind to order one of EVERY single thing. But no, waistline is screaming for help

Telok Ayer Street used to face the seafront and this was where many migrants first step foot on local soil. Grateful for a safe journey, these migrants built places of worship as a token of gratitude. This would explain how places of worship representing 3 faiths come in place just barely meters from one another - Al Abrar Mosque (just next to Pantler), Nagore Durgha Shrine, Fuk Tak Chi Temple, Dai Bak Gong Temple and Thian Hock Keng Temple.

Such a pig. Cheat treat(s). From left, Mille-Feuille and Pantler Roll Cake

Pantler Roll Cake @ $4.80. Super light vanilla sponge encases the beautifully smooth Chantilly cream

Uh Oh, damage done

Website :
198 Telok Ayer Street (old shophouse, next to SKP)
Tel : 6221 6223
Email :
Opening Hours :
Monday - Friday : 8:30 am - 7:00 pm
Saturday : 10:30 am - 5:30 pm

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